Free Answer: Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num, increasing by 1 each time.

Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num, increasing by 1 each time. You can find the answers on this topic below. I wish you pleasant reading. Here, Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num increasing by 1 each time.

Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num, increasing by 1 each time.

Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num, increasing by 1 each time. Answers below.

A while loop is a type of loop in programming that repeats a set of instructions until a particular condition is met. In this case, our condition is that we want to print a set of numbers from 1 up to a certain number, as specified by the user.

Here’s the code for the while loop: “` user_num = int(input(“Enter a number: “)) count = 1 while count <= user_num: print(count) count += 1 “` In this code, we first ask the user to enter a number using the `input()` function. The `int()` function then converts the user’s input into an integer, since all of our numbers will be integers. We set the variable `count` equal to 1, since we want to start printing from 1. The next line of the code is the start of our while loop.

We use the comparison operator `<=` to check if `count` is less than or equal to `user_num`. As long as this condition is true, the loop will continue to execute. Inside the loop, we simply print the value of `count` using the `print()` function. We then increment `count` by 1 using the `+=` operator. This means that the value of `count` will increase by 1 each time the loop executes, until it eventually becomes equal to `user_num`. Once `count` is equal to `user_num`, the while loop will stop executing and the program will end. Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num, increasing by 1 each time.

  • Write a while loop that prints 1 to user_num python

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