Who İs Required To Keep a Proper Lookout While Boating? According to the US Coast Guard, a boat operator is responsible for performing the necessary surveillance while cruising by boat or vessel!
Who İs Required To Keep a Proper Lookout While Boating?
Who İs Required To Keep a Proper Lookout While Boating? Surveillance is an important step towards other vessels, obstructions and possible hazards. Of course, it is very important for the passengers on the boat to pay attention to their surroundings and notify the operator of possible dangers!
What does it mean to have a proper lookout while boating?
Making the necessary surveillance while using a boat means protection against any danger, obstacle or other boats that may arise.
Can passengers contribute to proper lookout while cruising by boat?
Who İs Required To Keep a Proper Lookout While Boating? Yes, if you are a passenger, you can contribute to an appropriate lookout while on the boat. If you notice a risky situation, be sure to inform the crew.