Free Answer: Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter.

Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter. We have researched the answer to this issue you are looking for with our team, and we share it with you. Java, C++ and 3.13.1 answers are also in our article.

Write An Expression To Detect That The First Character Of Userinput Matches Firstletter.

Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter. 1 import java.util.Scanner; 3 public class CharMatching 4 public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scnr new Scanner(; String userInput; char firstLetter; userInput = scnr.nextLine(); firstLetter scnr.nextLine().charAt (0); 12 13 14 15 if (/* Your solution goes here * System.out.printin( “Found match: “firstLetter); else t System.out.println(“No match: ” firstLetter); 17 18 19 20 21 return.

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Java Write An Expression To Detect That The First Character Of Userinput Matches Firstletter.

The given source code is an illustration of characters and strings in Java program.

To complete the code segment, the comment /* Your solution goes here */ in the program, should be replaced with any of the following expressions:

  • Character.toUpperCase(firstLetter)==Character.toUpperCase(userInput.charAt(0))
  • Character.toLowerCase(firstLetter)==Character.toLowerCase(userInput.charAt(0))

Using the first instruction above

  • Variable firstLetter will first be converted to upper case
  • The first character of userInput will then be extracted using charAt(0)
  • The first character is then converted to upper case
  • Lastly, both characters are compared

So, the complete code (where comments are used to explain each line) is as follows:

  • //This imports the Scanner library
  • import java.util.Scanner;
  • //This defines the program class
  • public class Main {
  • //This defines the program method
  • public static void main (String [] args) {
  • //This creates a Scanner object
  • Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
  • //This declares variables userInput and firstLetter
  • String userInput; char firstLetter;
  • //This gets input for userInput
  • userInput = scnr.nextLine();
  • //This gets input for firstLetter
  • firstLetter = scnr.nextLine().charAt(0);
  • //This checks if the first letter of userInput matches with variable firstLetter
  • if (Character.toUpperCase(firstLetter)==Character.toUpperCase(userInput.charAt(0))){
  • //If yes, found match is printed
  • System.out.println( “Found match: “+firstLetter); }
  • else{
  • //If otherwise, no match is printed
  • System.out.println(“No match: “+ firstLetter);
  • }
  • }
  • }//Program ends here.
Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter.Pin
Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter.

C++ Write An Expression To Detect That The First Character Of Userinput Matches Firstletter.

Write an expression to detect that the first character of userInput matches firstLetter.

  • #include <iostream>
  • #include <string>
  • using namespace std;
  • int main() {
  • string userInput;
  • char firstLetter;
  • getline(cin, userInput);
  • cin >> firstLetter;
  • if (/* Your solution goes here */) {
  • cout << “Found match: ” << firstLetter << endl;
  • }
  • else {
  • cout << “No match: ” << firstLetter << endl;
  • }
  • return 0;
  • }

Expert’s answer

firstLetter == userInput[0]

3.13.1 write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter.

3.13.1 write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter. It was all about that. If you have more questions, please let me know in the comments.

Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstletter. We answer these and similar questions both in the native language, in Python, and in Java and C++. If you have any other questions, please let me know in the comments. Number One Boats.

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