Dreame H12 Pro mop battery vacuum for €349.99 at Amazon

The Dreame H12 Pro is the latest mop battery vacuum cleaner from Dreame in Germany. Improved edge cleaningautomatic drying and a new wiping mode distinguish it from its predecessor. A successful model?

Dreame H12 Pro (Reviews, Specs)

  • Dreame H12 Pro
    • at Amazon for €349.99
  • Technical specifications
Dreame H12 ProDreame H11 Max
suction powernot specified (3ooW)10,000 pa
wipe functionVacuum and wipe at the same timeVacuum and wipe at the same time
battery pack4000mAh4000mAh
suction levelsAuto, Ultra, SuckAutomatically
working hoursup to 35 minutes (depending on soiling)up to 36 minutes (depending on contamination)
water tankFresh water: 900 ml Dirty water: 700 mlFresh water: 900 ml Dirty water: 500 ml

Scope Of Delivery

The Dreame H12 Pro comes in a well-stocked box. Before starting up, the handle and the main element must be plugged into one another in an uncomplicated manner. The charging station is also included in the scope of delivery, with a permanently installed power cable.

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Dreame H12 Pro mop battery vacuum

So if something breaks here, you have to do it yourself or buy a new one. Holders for the station are also included for the additional roller brush and the cleaning brush. I still missed the cleaner on the predecessor, but it is available here.

Design And Processing

The basic form has not been abandoned, but the arrangement of the water tanks has been changed, for example. If the H11 had its water tank at the top at the front, this moves to the back of the Dreame H12 Pro. But nothing changes with the capacity of 900 ml.

For this, the volume of the dirty water tank increases by 200 ml, which gives us 700 ml here . Not much of a difference in normal mopping mode, but very handy when mopping up liquids. The new shape of the fresh water tank is also an advantage. Due to the rather flat design, the water can now be refilled in more washbasins and sinks.

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Dreame H12 Pro mop battery vacuum

As usual with Dreame, there is nothing wrong with the quality. The mop battery vacuum cleaner fills up with value and is robust.

Display & Voice Prompt

A screen is now standard in every mop battery vacuum cleaner. Here we can see the selected suction mode and the battery level. The display also shows the current level of the automatic contamination detection.

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Dreame H12 Pro mop battery vacuum

Just like a display, the voice announcement is an almost always present function. This gives a message when you select the mode and reminds you to empty the waste water chamber or to start self-cleaning after the work is done. With a button on the back you can adjust the volume of the voice output and change the language. However, it is also possible to switch off the voice announcement completely.


Dreame H12 Pro – When it comes to cleaning, the Dreame H12 Pro is even more versatile than its predecessor. There are different cleaning modes for different situations. The standard mode is again controlled automatically, ie you cannot set the suction power manually here.

I already had my problems here with the predecessor and I’m not 100% satisfied here either. In the case of larger soiling, the vacuum cleaner reliably recognizes the situation, but remains on the light suction level for stubborn stains. Of course, this could be due to the fact that the higher levels of stains just don’t perform better, but since you can’t manually select them, this is difficult to verify. But it has to be said that the automatic detection is at most a small obstacle. Because the performance of the Dreame H12 Pro is decent.

Normal cleaning mode

The mop battery vacuum picks up dust and dirt on the hard floor quickly and thoroughly . It leaves a light film of water behind , which can be sucked off again if necessary using the water absorption mode. You can also use it to clean sensitive hard floors. However, it is rather semi-suitable for carpets, you can misuse the water absorption mode, but it is not designed for that.

The biggest opponents of the battery-powered vacuum cleaner, however, remain stubborn and dried stains. Dried coffee stains disappear with the first wipe. A cocoa-water mixture that has dried up and is significantly more stubborn needs a few more puffs. But in the end you get a clean floor.

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2nd pass

One problem that many manufacturers are now addressing is edge cleaning . The Dreame H12 Pro also has a mop head that extends almost to the entire page. It’s still not perfect, but the distance to the edge has fallen to less than 1 cm, which means you can clean thoroughly here.

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Dreame H12 Pro

We carried out our test with the supplied cleaner . A bottle contains 350 ml of cleaner and the recommended dosage is 10 ml per water tank. So one bottle of the cleaner is enough for 35 water tanks. The cleaner can be bought later in Germany without any problems and is linked in the price overview above.

Ultra & water absorption mode

From smartphones to Dreame vacuum robots, there is also an ultra mode here. If you select this, the vacuum cleaner needs around 30 seconds until it is ready for use. It starts an electrolytic disinfection of the cleaning water. We have to be completely honest here and cannot do any verification here. For most, their tap water will certainly be trustworthy enough and I see the function more as a nice addition.

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Dreame H12 Pro

Last but not least, the Dreame H12 Pro offers the already mentioned water absorption mode . The fresh water supply is switched off here and liquids can be sucked up from the floor. Thanks to the larger waste water tank, you can now suck in a larger amount than with the H11 Max.

After cleaning

As soon as you switch off the Dreame H12 Pro, it reminds you to bring the mop battery vacuum cleaner back to the station and start the self-cleaning. There is a dedicated button on the top for this. After you have pressed the button, the cordless vacuum cleaner flushes the roller and lines . In most cases, you then have a clean roll.

If you have really vacuumed up a lot or the roller has been in operation for a long time, manual cleaning is certainly appropriate at some point. The Dreame H12 Pro then starts automatic drying. He rotates the roller slowly and starts a hot air blower. This prevents bacteria and odors from developing. In addition, you don’t have to worry about drying the roller yourself.

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Dreame H12 Pro

Of course, you also have to empty the waste water tank. There is no sieve or similar that separates solid components from the water. Separate disposal down the drain or waste bin is made more difficult. The supplied brush is definitely useful for cleaning the tank completely.


The Dreame H12 Pro will not win an award for its handling. It’s relatively heavy and not the most articulated model on the market. But it has a lot of traction, which is why you only have to steer and push it slightly when it is switched on. Pulling back also works surprisingly well despite the pulling forceOn the other hand, it is not so easy to maneuver in corners and niches .

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Deep furniture can only be cleaned up to the suction head. (Dreame H12 Pro)

If you interrupt the cleaning for a short time, you can simply tilt the battery-powered vacuum cleaner slightly forward. So he can then stand freely in the room without any problems.


With the Dreame H12 Pro, you can further develop your own mop battery vacuum cleaner. You get a strong cleaning package , which cleans very thoroughly and can also remove stubborn stains. Edge cleaning is also significantly better and hot air drying is an important function that is now also available with Dreame. It could be even better in terms of handling, but you are already at a good level. So far it is the best mop battery vacuum cleaner we have tested, the competition from e.g. B. Roborock or Tineco we had not yet in our hands.

With an RRP of €549, you already have a handsome price here, but the mop battery vacuum cleaner was also available for €429 at times. This means that it is definitely on a par with the competition and can also underline this with its performance.

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